Source code for itunes.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains base data models for the rest of the iTunes store API
import requests
import sys
from cachecontrol import CacheControl
from datetime import datetime
from itunes import HOST_NAME
__all__ = ['TS_FORMAT', 'SESSION', 'ITunesException', 'BaseObject', 'Resource',
           'NoResultsFoundException', 'Lookup', 'Artist', 'Album', 'Track',
           'Audiobook', 'Software', 'TVEpisode', 'lookup']
#: iTunes API Timestamp format
TS_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'

#: Globally accessible cache-enabled requests session
SESSION = CacheControl(requests.session())

[docs]class ITunesException(Exception): """Base iTunes request exception""" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return '{type}: {msg}'.format(type=self.__class__.__name__, msg=self.message)
[docs]class NoResultsFoundException(ITunesException): """iTunes error for when no results are returned from a Lookup""" def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__('No Results Found')
[docs]class BaseObject(object): """Base object for representing an iTunes request""" resource = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._search_terms = {k: v for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if v is not None} self.json = None self.num_results = None @property def url(self): """The url pointing at the resource defined by the implementing object """ return '{host}{resource}'.format(host=HOST_NAME, resource=self.resource)
[docs] def get(self): """Execute an HTTP GET against the iTunes API and construct an appropriate assortment of :class:`Resource`'s based on the response """ response = SESSION.get(self.url, params=self._search_terms) self.json = response.json() if 'errorMessage' in self.json: raise ITunesException(self.json['errorMessage']) self.num_results = self.json['resultCount'] l = [] for json in self.json['results']: typ = None if 'wrapperType' in json: typ = json['wrapperType'] elif 'kind' in json: typ = json['kind'] if typ == 'artist': id_ = json['artistId'] item = Artist(id_) elif typ == 'collection': id_ = json['collectionId'] item = Album(id_) elif typ == 'track': id_ = json['trackId'] if 'kind' in json: kind = json['kind'] if kind == 'tv-episode': item = TVEpisode(id_) else: item = Track(id_) else: item = Track(id_) elif typ == 'audiobook': id_ = json['collectionId'] item = Audiobook(id_) elif typ == 'software': id_ = json['trackId'] item = Software(id_) else: if 'collectionId' in json: id_ = json['collectionId'] elif 'artistId' in json: id_ = json['artistId'] item = Resource(id_) item._set(json) l.append(item) return l
[docs]class Resource(object): """Base class for the various types of Resources returned by the iTunes Store API """ def __init__(self, id): = id = None self.url = None self._release_date = None self.artwork = dict() def _set(self, json): """Construct this resource based on the provided JSON data""" self.json = json if 'kind' in json: self.type = json['kind'] else: self.type = json['wrapperType'] # Resource information self.genre = json.get('primaryGenreName', None) self.release_date_raw = json.get('releaseDate', '') self.country_store = json.get('country', None) self._set_artwork(json) self._set_url(json) @property def release_date(self): """Accessor for a :class:`datetime.datetime` representation of the release date for this :class:`Resource` """ if not self.release_date_raw: return None if self._release_date is None: rd = self.release_date_raw.split('Z')[0] self._release_date = datetime.strptime(rd, TS_FORMAT) return self._release_date def _set_artwork(self, json): """Set the artwork urls from the json data""" if 'artworkUrl30' in json: self.artwork['30'] = json['artworkUrl30'] if 'artworkUrl60' in json: self.artwork['60'] = json['artworkUrl60'] self.artwork['600'] = self.artwork['60'].replace('60x60', '600x600') if '' in json: self.artwork['100'] = json['artworkUrl100'] if 'artworkUrl512' in json: self.artwork['512'] = json['artworkUrl512'] def _set_url(self, json): self.url = None if 'trackViewUrl' in json: self.url = json['trackViewUrl'] elif 'collectionViewUrl' in json: self.url = json['collectionViewUrl'] elif 'artistViewUrl' in json: self.url = json['artistViewUrl'] def __repr__(self): if not return '<{type}>: {id}'.format(type=self.type.title(), name = if sys.version_info[0] == 2: name ='utf8') return '<{type}>: {name}'.format(type=self.type.title(), name=name) def __eq__(self, other): return == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def get_tracks(self, limit=500): """Returns the tracks associated with this :class:`Resource`""" if self.type == 'song': return self items = Lookup(, entity='song', limit=limit).get() if not items: raise NoResultsFoundException() return items[1:]
[docs] def get_albums(self, limit=200): """Returns the albums associated with this :class:`Resource`""" if self.type == 'collection': return self if self.type == 'song': return self.get_album() items = Lookup(, entity='album', limit=limit).get() if not items: raise NoResultsFoundException() return items[1:]
[docs] def get_album(self): """Returns the first album associated with this :class:`Resource`""" if self.type == 'collection': return self items = Lookup(, entity='album', limit=1).get() if not items or len(items) == 1: raise NoResultsFoundException() return items[1]
[docs]class Lookup(BaseObject): """A data model for an individual resource look up against iTunes""" resource = 'lookup' def __init__(self, id, entity=None, limit=50): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(id=id, entity=entity, limit=limit) = id
[docs]class Artist(Resource): """The Artist :class:`Resource` represents an iTunes artist""" def _set(self, json): super(Artist, self)._set(json) = json['artistName'] self.amg_id = json.get('amgArtistId', None) self.url = json.get('artistViewUrl', json.get('artistLinkUrl', None))
[docs]class Album(Resource): """The Album :class:`Resource` represents an Album (or collection of single resources) of other resource types """ def _set(self, json): super(Album, self)._set(json) = json['collectionName'] self.url = json.get('collectionViewUrl', None) self.amg_id = json.get('amgAlbumId', None) self.price = round(json['collectionPrice'] or 0, 4) self.price_currency = json['currency'] self.track_count = json['trackCount'] self.copyright = json.get('copyright', None) self._set_artist(json) def _set_artist(self, json): self.artist = None if json.get('artistId'): id = json['artistId'] self.artist = Artist(id) self.artist._set(json)
[docs]class Track(Resource): """The Track :class:`Resource` represents a single track from the iTunes store """ def _set(self, json): super(Track, self)._set(json) # Track information = json['trackName'] self.url = json.get('trackViewUrl', None) self.preview_url = json.get('previewUrl', None) self.price = None if 'trackPrice' in json and json['trackPrice'] is not None: self.price = round(json['trackPrice'], 4) self.number = json.get('trackNumber', None) self.duration = None if 'trackTimeMillis' in json and json['trackTimeMillis'] is not None: self.duration = round(json.get('trackTimeMillis', 0.0)/1000.0, 2) try: self._set_artist(json) except KeyError: self.artist = None try: self._set_album(json) except KeyError: self.album = None def _set_artist(self, json): self.artist = None if json.get('artistId'): id = json['artistId'] self.artist = Artist(id) self.artist._set(json) def _set_album(self, json): if 'collectionId' in json: id = json['collectionId'] self.album = Album(id) self.album._set(json)
[docs]class Audiobook(Album): """The Audiobook :class:`Resource` represents an iTunes Audiobook"""
[docs]class Software(Track): """The Software :class:`Resource` represents an iTunes App resource""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ratings = dict(avg=dict(current=None, all=None), num=dict(current=None, all=None)) def _set(self, json): super(Software, self)._set(json) self.version = json.get('version', None) self.price = json.get('price', None) self.description = json.get('description', None) self.screenshots = json.get('screenshotUrls', None) self.genres = json.get('genres', None) self.seller_url = json.get('sellerUrl', None) self.languages = json.get('languageCodesISO2A', None) self._set_ratings(json) def _set_ratings(self, json): k = 'averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion' self.ratings['avg']['current'] = json.get(k, None) self.ratings['avg']['all'] = json.get('averageUserRating', None) k = 'userRatingCountForCurrentVersion' self.ratings['num']['current'] = json.get(k, None) self.ratings['num']['all'] = json.get('userRatingCount', None)
[docs]class TVEpisode(Track): """The TVEpisode :class:`Resource` represents a track type that represents a single TV Episode. """ def _set(self, json): super(TVEpisode, self)._set(json) self.content_rating = json.get('contentAdvisoryRating', None) self.short_description = json.get('shortDescription', None) self.long_description = json.get('longDescription', None) self.explicitness = json.get('trackExplicitness', None) self.episode_number = json.get('trackNumber', None) self.genre = json.get('primaryGenreName', None) self.episode_id = json.get('trackId', None) self.show_id = json.get('artistId', None) self.season = json.get('collectionName', None)[-1:] self.season_id = json.get('collectionId', None)
[docs]def lookup(id): """Perform an individual :class:`Lookup` on a single resource in the iTunes Store API """ items = Lookup(id).get() if not items: raise NoResultsFoundException() return items[0]